Call A Nanny offers multiple babysitting services from watching a sleeping child, changing diapers, playing games, preparing meals or teaching the child to read.
We here at Call A Nanny try our best to offer the best babysitting services in Malta! The type of work for babysitting workers also varies from watching a sleeping child, changing diapers, playing games, preparing meals or teaching the child to read.
Our babysitting service is simple, once you register with Call A Nanny we select and introduce the best babysitters in Malta for your family. You then will be contacted to confirm your booking and check if your preferred nanny is available at the time specified.
Choose from a number of babysitting services that we provide so that we can meet your specific needs.
Pick a date and time when you need your babysitting service so that we can inform our babysitters beforehand and ensure your placement.
Once you fill in all the information you can submit and book your babysitting service for your child.
We have just the right service for your babysitting needs!
Call A Nanny offers multiple babysitting services from watching a sleeping child, changing diapers, playing games, preparing meals or teaching the child to read.